Ronen Liwski's Coca-Cola cans collection!
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Argentina  Argentina     
121995354SpecialJuegos Panamericanos - Mar del plata '95
  • patin (rollers) (1)
  • 0

    Australia  Australia
    10372008300SpecialPeace & Love can - limited edition can designed by Bngette Duckworth0
    10012007375WaveThe Summer of us0
    372004375WaveAFL Collector Cans0
    232000375SpecialSydney 2000 Olympic Partner - Millennium Can0
    361996375BottleW.O.P. Symbol + gold rim - "Carry the olympic torch in the USA"0
    391996375Bottle"Summer alert" + green rim - "Win instantly, look inside this can"0
    301994375BottleGold can - Coca-Cola 50 Years in Western Australia0
    241994375Blank"Coca-Cola Hot 5 - Save Instantly" + green rim - "Enter the 'Coca-Cola' Hot 5"0
    381994375BottleBlack rim - "Multi Pack Can"0
    341994500BlankAlways Contour - "We're giving you MORE of the great taste of 'Coca-Cola'" + yellow rim - "33% Extra"0
    261993375OldSummer - "Multi oack can" - "Always Coca-Cola"0

    Austria  Austria
    10022007330Coke side of lifeUEFA Euro 2008 - Fans with Austrian flags0 - MP3 Player0
    561997330Bottlewhite rim - "Always the real thing"0
    601997500Bottlewhite rim - "Always the real thing"0
    9851994500Old"0.5 Liter" - You can't beat the feeling!1

    Belgium  Belgium
    672001330CupCup Design - broun rim - "Find The Symbols, Play & Win (Sans Cafeine)0
    702001330CupCup Design - light green rim - "Find The Symbols, Play & Win0
    10311999330DiscThe Coca-Cola Originals - (green)0
    10301999330DiscThe Coca-Cola Originals (steel) - ver#10
    9261989330Old120 Coke Machines - "Accumulez les decibels et gagnez!"0

    Brazil  Brazil
    10042007350Coke side of lifeviva o lado Coca-Cola da musica (FE)1
    10062007350Coke side of lifeviva o lado Coca-Cola da musica (AL)0
    892000350Special"Rock in Rio", "Eu Vou Curtir" - Very Nice Can!0
    881995350Bottle"Fervecao" picture of sun drinking Coke0
    931993350OldCoke Machine0

    Bulgaria  Bulgaria
    1061998330Bottlewhite rim - "Always the real thing"0

    Canada  Canada
    8992005355WaveRegular Wave Design1
    1082000355CupRegular Cup Design1
    1092000355CupSydney 2000 Olympic Games0
    1171999355Disc$4 Off at Canada's Wonderland 19990
    1211998355Disc$4 Off at Canada's Wonderland 19980
    1151997355BottleRegular Bottle Design0
    1201997355DiscRegular Disc Design0
    1101996355SantaSanta set - 1996 Edition
  • Santa sitting with Coke & sleeping deer (1)
  • 0
    1181996355Olympic BottleAtlanta 1996 Olympic Games - 1928 -1996, W.O.P symbol0
    1191995355BottleBull draw - "1995 celebrate manitoba's 125th! …"0
    1111993355Blank"Gout D'origine" + Always contour from Ontario0
    10161993355Blank"Gout D'origine" from Ontario0
    1121993355Blank"24e Coupe Stanley..." + white rim - "Champions de la coupe stanley 1993"0
    1141992355Blank"Back to Back" "Toronto Blue Jays" "1993 World Series"0
    1221992355BlankBack 2 Back '92 - '93 Toronto Blue Jays, 1993 World Series + silver rim - "Toronto Blue Jays 1993 World..."0
    1071992355BlankMickey's ToonTown0
    1161992355Blank"Excitement! Inaugural Premire 92-93 Season"0
    1131982280BlankRegular Blank Design0

    China  China
    10232007355WaveVanilla Coke - Bejing 2008 Olympic Games symbol0 - Red hair girl playing guitar, - pinguin image0
    1382004355WaveAthens 2004 Olympic Games - Torch Relay0
    1472004355WaveAthens 2004 Olympic Games0
    1392004355WaveAthens 2004 Olympic Games - Gold Can - 110 Hurdles0
    1432001355SpecialGold Can - Beijing 2001 Summer Olympics0

    Cyprus  Cyprus
    1622000330DiscRegular Disc Design - two languages on the back1

    Czech Republic  Czech Republic
    1652003330WaveRegular Wave Design (same can as in Slovakia)0
    1702001330CupRegular Cup Design (same can as in Slovakia)3

    Finland  Finland
    1761999330DiscRegular Disc Design - arrows at the bottom of the can0

    France  France
    2042004330SpecialEuro 2004 Portugal - FFF - The french team0
    1912003330WaveWave Design - "Coke up to you"1
    1812003330WaveWave Design - New can information display0
    1791993330Oldimage of women and Coke bottle - "Boite Retro 1993" (Serie Limitee)0
    1871992330Old"You Can't Beat The feeling!"0

    Germany  Germany
    2292001330Cup"Probier was Neues! Coke bei 3 Grad!"0
    2432000330SpecialUnd Coke Bei 3*C (summer set)0
    2481999330DiscThe Kult set - "Erfrischung ohne Grenzen" (Full SET for trade)1
    2131998330SantaSanta with presents - "Frohes Fest der Erfischung" - "They rememberd me"0
    2151996330BottleCans For Fans
  • num. 1 (1)
  • num. 2 (1)
  • num 4 (1)
  • 0
    2081991330OldAmerican Barbecue0
    2491989330Old"You Can't Beat The Feeling!" + white rim0
    2501988330Old"You Can't Beat The Feeling"0

    Great Britain  Great Britain
    8682005330WaveWave Design - Multipack Can15
    2702004330SpecialCoca-Cola Football League - "The real league for real fans"0
    2692000330Cupblack rim - "Coke Auction"0
    2541997330Bottlewhite rim - 37p Multipack can, "Eat Tootball, Sleep Football, Drink Coca-Cola"0
    2851997330Bottleyellow rim - "37p multipack can, thirst for it, Instant win over 3 million prizes…"0
    2791995330BottleSun drinking Coke0


    Total Resoults: 269
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