Ronen Liwski's Coca-Cola cans collection!
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About me
Ronen Liwski My name is Ronen (Gabriel) Liwski, I live in Israel, and I am 43 years old (Birthday: 11.10.1982).

I'm a can collector and I collect cans for 28 years now (since 1997), and today I have about 1877 different Coca-Cola cans, and about 400 Diet Coca-Cola from all over the world.
I collected all kinds of cans until March 2001, and then, I collected Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta Cans until the begining of 2003. But now, I collect only Coca-Cola Cans...
All the other cans that I had, moved to Ronen Rothfarb's collection.

My collection has started when I was around 11 years old.
Me and my family had a big trip to Brazil, Argentina and U.S.A., and I started to collect some nice cans from those countries (I already had some cans back home...).

BUT, In a motel in Miami, Florida, the cleaner thought my little cans collection (about 40 cans) belongs to the garbage... so she threw it all!

At the minute I got home, I threw all my cans (except 5 - 150ml - cans) And decieded to stop collecting.
4½ years after, I went to Weisbaden, Germany, with my Volley-Ball team, and my love to cans came up again...
so from then I collect cans (1997).

That's my story... I hope I'll keep collect cans always,


Happy Collecting!
Ronen Liwski

Cell: +972 - 54 - 4827011

My story in Hebrew

Me and part of my collection
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