Ronen Liwski's Coca-Cola cans collection!
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Argentina  Argentina     
131995354SpecialCopa America 19950
121995354SpecialJuegos Panamericanos - Mar del plata '95
  • patin (rollers) (1)
  • 0

    Australia  Australia
    10012007375WaveThe Summer of us0
    341994500BlankAlways Contour - "We're giving you MORE of the great taste of 'Coca-Cola'" + yellow rim - "33% Extra"0
    401989375Blank"Collect 3 Matching…" + white rim - "Millions $$$ Worth of prizes must be won"0

    Austria  Austria
    10022007330Coke side of lifeUEFA Euro 2008 - Fans with Austrian flags0

    Belgium  Belgium
    631992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games + Albertville '92 - Official Sponsor0
    8831992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games - "Official Sponser"0
    9391989330OldBoutique Coca-Cola Music system - sponser officiel des jeux olympiques0

    Brazil  Brazil
    10062007350Coke side of lifeviva o lado Coca-Cola da musica (AL)0
    10042007350Coke side of lifeviva o lado Coca-Cola da musica (FE)1
    1032002350Special"Bumba-Meu-Boi Coca-Cola" Image of cow0
    881995350Bottle"Fervecao" picture of sun drinking Coke0

    Canada  Canada
    1171999355Disc$4 Off at Canada's Wonderland 19990
    1211998355Disc$4 Off at Canada's Wonderland 19980

    China  China
    9602005355SpecialWorld of Warcraft
  • tall man with red clothes and green eyes (1)
  • 0

    Colombia  Colombia
    1512001355SpecialCopa America 20010

    Finland  Finland
    1761999330DiscRegular Disc Design - arrows at the bottom of the can0

    France  France
    2021996330Olympic BottleAtlanta 1996 Olympic Games - olympic rings - "68 years of olympic support"1
    1791993330Oldimage of women and Coke bottle - "Boite Retro 1993" (Serie Limitee)0

    Germany  Germany
    2081991330OldAmerican Barbecue0

    Great Britain  Great Britain
    2581994330Old"Official WorldWide Olympic Sponser"0
    8921993330OldOlympic rings - "Official worldwide olympic sponser" - "Best served ice cold"0
    2771988330OldWorldWide Sponser of the 1988 Olympic Games - "Best served chilled"0

    Greece  Greece
    9892006330Coke side of lifeChristmas 2006 - a girl gives Coca-Cola bottole to santa0

    Hong Kong  Hong Kong
    10032007355Coke side of lifeThe Coke side of life set0
    9732007355Coke side of lifeRegular bottle explotion can0
    2981999355DiscThe Bunny year - picture of a bunny "99"0
    3121997355DiscCoca-Cola - "Coolest of the Cool!"0

    Hungary  Hungary
    9772008330Coke side of lifeUEFA Euro 2008 - football on the Coke side of life1

    India  India
    3181997330DiscNo year - Best before: Six months from date of manufacture"0

    Israel  Israel
    10132008330Coke side of lifeCoke side of life design - "Love the Life"22
    9662007330Coke side of lifeCoca Cola written in Arabic (made in Betunia) - Colorful images coming out from a Coca-Cola bottle26
    9672007330Coke side of lifemyMusic 2007 - Coca-Cola Music vilage19
    9972007330Wave"Center of the senses" - Coca-Cola visitors center exclusive can (not for sale)23
    9582007330Coke side of lifeRegular Coke side of life design24
    9342006330WaveWorld Cup Germany 2006 official sponser44
    9572006330WavemyMusic 2006 - Concert that was canceled because of the war in Lebanon28
    3302001330SpecialCherry Coca-Cola - yellow rim - "Tender of Presents"2
    9232001330CupYellow rim - Coca-Cola written in Arabic, picture of Motorola cellphone0
    3442001330Cup"Tender of Presents"4
    3382000330CupWhite rim - Picture of Bicycle (Arabic)3
    3611998330Special"Play Red Hot Summer" - picture of sun4
    3591996330Olympic BottleAtlanta 1996 Olympic Games - 68 years of olympic support - Special design for Atlanta '964
    3721996330BottleAtlanta 1996 Olympic Games - official refresher of Atlanta '96 - big W.O.P symbol6
    3551995330Special"Play Red Hot Summer" - picture of Mazda MX-56
    3701993330Old25 Years of Coca-Cola in Israel (Language set) (Full SET for trade)
  • incompleated set (11/12 - without number 8) (1)
  • num. 9 (light damaged) (1)
  • 1
    3251992330OldAlbertville '92, official israeli can3
    3271992330OldBarcelona 1992 Olympic Games, official Israeli can7
    3461991330OldCoca-Cola ROCK Music (The Real refresher of the Music)9

    Italy  Italy
    4042000330CupPicture of Sun, Ball and Coke bottle2
    4511991330BlankeuroFlora '910

    Korea  Korea
    4831994250BlankPicture of Big Polar Bear skying0

    Mexico  Mexico
    5152004355SpecialMTV Video Music Awards LatinoAmerica 2004
  • DJ with headphones standing and playing (1)
  • 0
    5052003355WaveRegular Wave Design - "Hola" written in the back of the can1
    5062003355WaveRegular Wave Design - "HOLA" written with headphones instead of "O"2

    Netherlands  Netherlands
    5231999330Discyellow rim - "Enjoy the Rythem of Summer"2
    5251994330OldWorld Cup USA 94 - Host Countries of the World Cup0
    5281988330BlankCalendar of 1988 "Echt is Echt, Coke is Coke"0
    5531988330BlankOfficial can of winter games Canada 19880
    5501987330OldAmerica Nu of nooit! KLM0

    Poland  Poland
    5901996330BottleGold can - Cities of olympic games 1896 - 19960

    Singapore  Singapore
    6221995330Old"Harvest of Riches" - yellow rim - "Enter draw now to win a Condominium…"0

    South Africa  South Africa
    9291995340BottleCongratulations South Africa - The 1995 Rugby World Cup Champions! "Always Proud Of Our Team"0

    Spain  Spain
    10342007330WaveLong can - image of people in the street at the bottom + unete + new can information display0
    9522007330WaveLong can - image of people in the street at the bottom1
    6491988330OldOlympic Games Seoul 1988 - Bebida Oficial de los XXIV Juegos Olimpicos
  • Number 4 - Ciclismo (1)
  • 0
    9421984330BlankOlympic Games Los Angeles 1984 - Bebida Oficial de los XXIII Juegos Olimpicos0

    Sweden  Sweden
    10051992330OldHost Cities of the Olympic Games0

    Taiwan  Taiwan
    6941996355BottleYellow rim, Adv. - picture of polar bear & bottle0

    Thailand  Thailand
    10092007325Coke side of lifeSea Games 2007 - Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand0
    10102007325Coke side of lifeLand of Smiles0
    9192006325WaveFIFA World Cup Germany 2006 set "official partner of the 2006 FIFA World Cup"
  • num. 2 (2)
  • num. 3 (2)
  • num. 4 (2)
  • num. 5 (6)
  • num. 6 (7)
  • num. 7 (4)
  • num. 8 (2)
  • num. 9 (1)
  • num. 10 (1)
  • 0
    7142001325Special"Super Cup - Thai vs. Liverpool" picture of Liverpool players, Liverpools logo1
    7251993325OldPicture of heart and shaking hands0


    Total Resoults: 101
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